Supplemental Measures

Diploma Exam Participation Rate

Nothing to report for data in this area since exams were not written due to COVID-19 impact. Participation in the Diploma Examinations was impacted by the fires in 2016 and 2019, as well as by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020

*Source Alberta Education


Prior to COVID, our district experienced a 14.9% increase in the number of students writing 4+ diploma exams.

Growth Points

While this area is above the provincial norm, we strive to have students opt to enrol in more diploma courses.

Drop Out Rate

Although the annual dropout rate of students aged 14 to 18 has become an issue, we recognize that this is an anomaly for our district that has resulted from a negative COVID impact.

*Source Alberta Education

Starting in 2019, an updated methodology was applied to more accurately attribute results in cases where students receive programming from more than one provider within a school year.


Pre-COVID, our drop out rate was very low. Over the past 2 years, our returning rate was at 100%.

Growth Points

Our High School Task Force Strategic Plan is in the developmental stages with high school retention as a major focus.

Program of Studies

75.8% of teachers, parents and students are satisfied with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies.

Participation in the 2020/2021 Alberta Education Assurance survey was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

*Source Alberta Education Survey


Our district incorporates a wide variety of options in our programming. Annual professional development funds provided for teachers enables them to consistently explore and expand their knowledge base in a variety in of areas across the curriculum.

Growth Points

Increased student input/choice on course offerings within the Program of Studies.

Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate

While there is a decline in the eligibility for the Rutherford Scholarship, even though we are still in line with the provincial norm, we are striving to regain our previously recorded levels.

*Source Alberta Education


The eligibility rate for grade 12 students in our district continues to be a significant focus.

Growth Points

The High School Task Force Strategic Planning process is encouraged to consider the impact of Rutherford Scholarship eligibility as it relates to general high school retention.

Safe & Caring

92.8% of teachers, parents and students agree that students are safe, are learning the importance of caring for others, are learning respect for others and are treated fairly at school.

*Source Alberta Education Survey


Teaching students how to be respectful and the importance of caring for others has created safe environments in our schools. Every student matters and they are treated fairly.

Growth Points

Providing a safe and caring environment for students requires ongoing awareness and training.

School Improvement

Percentage of teachers, parents, students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same the last three years

*Source Alberta Education Survey

81.8% of parents, teachers, and students indicate that their school and schools in their jurisdication have improved or stayed the same in the last 3 years.


Over the last 3 years support for our schools have improved in many areas. The extra financial assistance from our District Office has been a tremendous support in improving all schools in our district.

Growth Points

Regular school evaluations require school improvement planning and upgrades.

Transition Rate

The high school to post-secondary transition rate of students within six years of entering grade 10 is 55.6%. While this is an acceptable rate, our High School Task Force is developing a strategic plan to increase these numbers.

*Source Alberta Education


Our district has maintained an acceptable level for students transitioning to post-secondary within six years of entering grade 10. With the High School Task Force in place, these numbers are expected to rise.

Growth Points

Incorporating new strategies recommended by the High School Task Force that will positively impact the transitioning rate to post-secondary within six years of entering grade 10.

Work Preparation

93.1% of teachers and parents agree that students are taught attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful at work when they finish school.

*Source Alberta Education Survey


Teachers and parents are confident that by the time students complete high school, they would have acquired the necessary attitudes and behaviours that would make them successful in the workforce.

Growth Points

Improving upon various strategies to increase student confidence to have the necessary skills, attitudes, and behaviours that would make them successful in the workforce after completing high school.

In-Service Jurisdiction Needs

The result of the Alberta Education Survey indicates 87.3% of teachers report that in the past 3-5 years the professional development and in-servicing received from the school authority has been focused, systematic and contributed significantly to their ongoing professional growth. This result shows a steady pattern of growth.

*Source Albert Education Survey


Our district has shown a steady pattern of growth in providing appropriate and focused professional development opportunities to all teachers which has supported their overall growth in the classroom.

Growth Points

The district continues to plan for, provide and encourage regular professional development for all teachers. Financial support for PD is an annual commitment from the district. Demonimal certification outlines specific requirements for ongoing professional development.

Life Long Learning

92.3% of teachers and parents are satisfied that students demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.

*Source Albert Education Survey


Students in our district consistently demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for lifelong learning. Parents and teachers are very satisfied with the acquisition of these attributes.

Growth Points

Teacher Professional Development continues to provide updated knowledge and skill sets that enhance the support of lifelong learning for students.